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3/20/2021 1:11 PM 249326 04 - Competing Through Manufacturing - HBR.PDF
3/3/2021 2:46 PM 301349 amemfgmarshallplan_white_paper_2020.pdf
3/3/2021 2:47 PM 351343 EPI-Scott-manufacturing-footprint.pdf
3/3/2021 2:47 PM 2205933 GlobalizationNotAutomation.pdf
3/20/2021 1:11 PM 447488 helper-renewing_us_manufacturing.ppt
3/3/2021 2:47 PM 1782179 Hope Is Not a Plan.pdf
3/3/2021 2:47 PM 401336 insight-nov-amp.pdf
3/3/2021 2:47 PM 459808 LossOfProductionCapabilities.pdf
3/3/2021 2:48 PM 8775277 Manufacturing_TheEconomist.pdf
3/3/2021 2:47 PM 1214244 ManufacturingMattersADB.pdf
3/3/2021 2:47 PM 168216 ManufacturingProductivityCollapse.pdf
3/3/2021 2:47 PM 1157841 MAPI_HowImportantIsManufacturing.pdf
3/3/2021 2:48 PM 2795514 ModernManufacturingNAM.pdf
3/3/2021 2:48 PM 829533 OffshoreBiasInManufacturing.pdf
3/3/2021 2:48 PM <dir> SmartManufacturing
3/3/2021 2:48 PM 584158 SusanHousemanManufacturing.pdf
3/3/2021 2:48 PM 1818737 TCFReport_WhyManufacturingJobsAreWorthSaving.pdf
3/3/2021 2:48 PM 769088 The productivity slump—fact or fiction_ The measurement debate.pdf
3/3/2021 2:48 PM 2092056 transformation-manufacturing-decline_March2018.pdf
3/3/2021 2:48 PM 1967465 Why-does-manufacturing-matter-which-manufacturing-matters-february-2012-1-why.pdf